Calling all volleyball enthusiasts!

The Ducks and Poco Volleyball are thrilled to team up with Poco Sports Alliance and the City of Port Coquitlam to present our 1st Annual Poco Sports Festival Summer Slam!

Join us for a fun-filled day of competitive volleyball at Gates Park in Port Coquitlam. Mark your calendars and register your team now to be part of the excitement!

Don’t Miss Out!


There will be lots of competitive gameplay and awesome volleyball people. The playoffs will be tiered so teams will compete against ability appropriate teams, so everyone can have fun, stay active and play hard.

Awesome volleyball, great people and sweet prizes. This tournament will be a blast. See you all there.

FORMAT  Co-Ed Reverse 2’s

– 1-2 substitutes allowed per team | R2’s – Must have 1 female and 1 male on the court

– Male athletes attack back row and can only block males

– Female athletes can attack front row and block

– Servers alternate through serving order


 A – Basic knowledge of the rules and understanding of the game | Skill range from beginner to intermediate (Recreational Player | Padawan Level)

AA – Strong knowledge of the rules and understanding of the game | Skill range from intermediate to advanced (Competitive High School and/or Club Player | Experienced Grass-Outdoor Player | Jedi Level)

AAA – Super knowledge of the rules and understanding of the game | Skill range from advanced to elite (Competitive Post-Secondary Player | Highly Experienced Grass-Outdoor Player | Yoda Level)

*Final tiering and pool placement is at the discretion of the tournament director. When registering you will be required to enter experience levels for each member. Tiers may be combined based on registration numbers 



$50 per team - minimum suggested donation
  • Prizes for Top Division Champions
  • Competitive, Social, and Fun Atmosphere
  • Sweet People & Awesome Volleyball
  • Lots of Great Prizes from Great Partners


  • Ages: 13U-17U
  • Date: July 13, 2024
  • Times: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Location: Gates Park (Port Coquitlam)


  • Teams must register a minimum of 2 athletes to a maximum of 2.
  • A team captain must complete the registration form for the entire team. Information they require is: team members first and last names, team members email addresses and phone numbers. Captain will be required to collect and submit waiver forms for each member of their team after registration is complete.
  • Waitlist - It is imperative that you register on a waitlist if the tournament is at capacity as we may be able to add additional spots

We will be accepting registrations through Team Snap for this event. At the time of registration, the link for your event will become active. If you do not have a teamsnap account, you will be asked during the registration process OR you can sign up for one before registration.

Steps to complete prior to registration:

  1. Fill out and save the INDEMNITY AGREEMENT . You will not be asked to upload your forms during registration – to make it quicker for you, you will not be asked to upload the form during registration. We will send you a link after registration for your team members to upload their forms as well.
  2. Reverse 4s – You must have a minimum of 4 athletes (including captain) to a maximum of 6 athletes’ contact info available at the time of registration. Only teams will be registered at this time. 
  3. Please enter your team member contact info on the main registration page – do not add each as a participant or you will be required to pay the full team fee per person

Please fill out above forms prior to registering and save to the device you will be registering from to save time. These above forms will be collected for each team member after registration is confirmed and will not be required during the registration process.

email: if you have any questions or need help

Tournament schedule and results will be posted online in this section when available




The Ducks’ policy is that no refunds will be given once programs have commenced. It is club policy that refunds will ONLY be given under specific extenuating circumstances. Return of the registration fee must be approved by the registrar and will be prorated if the sessions have already begun. Refunds are subject to:

  • a $40 cancellation fee
  • prorated amount, based on the amount of sessions elapsed
  • deduction of unrecoverable costs (ie. facility fees, affiliation fees, equipment, etc.)
  • refunds will not be given for sessions cancelled due to inclement weather or athlete missed sessions

If you have any questions, please email: